Actions and projects
The Hospitality School of Paris – Jean Drouant High School is open towards Europe and towards the world. We constantly increase our partnerships and exchanges.
Partnerships with The Unites States of America
As part of the convention that was signed in 2012 between the School Academy of Paris and Chicago Public Schools, our vocational baccalaureate/A-levels students in catering initiated an educational project with the Culinary Art School of Chicago.
Just as well, several partnerships have been developed with some of the most prestigious American country clubs located in the state of Connecticut. They welcome some of our students for a four-month internship every year.
“European Ambassador School”
Our high school takes part in the “Ambassador School” programme that was launched in December 2015 by the European Parliament to raise awareness among our students to questions linked to Europe and to European parliamentary democracy.
Some of our vocational baccalaureate students started a project that aims at promoting Europe within our school premises. In May 2016, a Europe interactive terminal was set in the school library to make Europe more accessible and playful.
The Erasmus + “Youth to Business Entreprise” (Y2BE) project
In 2015, a vocational baccalaureate class in catering was selected to participate in a three-year Erasmus + project on the theme of entrepreneurship.
Entitled “Y2BE” (Youth to Business Enterprise), the project aims at creating an innovating corporation and elaborating its business plan in partnership with seven different European schools. The Netherlands, Romania and Spain have already welcomed some students and teachers through that exchange. Our school will be welcoming its European partners in 2017.
The Erasmus + Charter for BTS (HND) students
Since the beginning of the school year of September 2016, our school has also been eligible to the ERASMUS + for higher education programme that our BTS (HND) students will now be able to benefit from. By applying and signing that new charter, our school confirms its European involvement and action. We fully enroll our higher education students in an educational strategy that recognized the fundamental role and importance of mobility as well as the cooperative agreements for a better training offer within the European Union.
The particular aim of the programme is to reinforce the quality of students and teachers’ mobility as well as the support of the various schools that are involved in that mobility process. The new Erasmus + Charter for higher education is valid for the 2014-2020 period and enables our students to benefit not only from an opportunity for mobility to do their 16-week mandatory professional internship in one of the country members of the European Union, but also to benefit from a scholarship financial support.